Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I cannot sleep knowing that I ended rather simplistically.

If God is loving and in control, then why so many wrong things?
Why human bondage?
Why was a bird that was not a bird flew up into the air, to be shot in cold blood?
Why are so many were raped, imprisoned and beaten?
Why did L. M. Montgomery suffered as a pastor's wife?
Why did my brother die?

The answer is complex, I think, and I am far from understanding it.
This much I know, however: Jesus wept at the tomb of Lazarus and over the city of Jerusalem. Evil things happen, and God allows them, but He still cares.


  1. I don't think ANYONE knows the answer yet, do you? (Save Him, of course.) Right now I feel the best anyone can do is shine beams of light through analogies and stories and music and literature and some Scripture passages. Just beams of light momentarily ... and vision fades very quickly, but it was still there.

    "Jesus wept," is perhaps one of the most life-giving verses in the Scriptures. If you can even say one is better than the other - which I don't want to do! :P

    I have three very alive, bouncing brothers right now, and I don't know what to say. How I wish you had all of yours too, dear.

    I haven't gotten any farther than you, but I have wondered lately ... how does God feel when we cry out to Him and He doesn't seem to be there? How did He feel when His Son cried to him? Why He hides Himself ... or if He is even there, can be the only concern if we let it. But, though I can't really explain it ... I've just had this feeling lately ... if we could know why, mysteriously, He seems hidden, and what He was feeling at the times we cried out to Him (for surely if He's there he DOES care) ... there is a mystery of brokenness that perhaps we couldn't bear a glimpse of. However odd the thought, this is what's been impressing itself lately.

    Sorry if I'm blogging on your blog. I'm so longwinded. :P Thank you for this.

    I love you.

  2. Thank you for your comment.
    I love you too


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