Wednesday, March 19, 2014


It would be easy to zip in and paint quickly. It would be easy to give up once the first layer of paint was on and it looked "good enough."

But that wouldn't be "good enough."

Because I can do better, and in order to grow, I must patiently add paint in layers, paying attention to detail.

Sometimes, art is a good teacher for someone who was always trying to finish things fast. Except for chores. Oddly enough, unless something fun was in store, I did them very slowly. I guess I was too wrapped up in the stories I was telling to bother hurrying.

Anyways, this is an acrylic painting I'm doing as practice for class. I might enter it in our school Easter Art War III though. As long as my Sixthies (invented word I think) don't recognize the painting. They're one of two panels of judges :)

Monday, February 24, 2014

Another attempt at displaying wonder.

Unfortunately she got a bit dirty, and her hand is a bit out of proportion, but I am proud of this one. Especially the patience it took me to do a lot of layers on the face and hands. I think becoming an artist is learning to grow and see.
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